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Newly appointed Troop Council of Rahula Scout Troop for 2023/24.

Troop Leader : Thejan Theekshana Matarage Asst. Troop Leader : Dharana Chamalpa Walpola Troop Secretary : Yomal Bimsara Wickramasinghe  Chief Organizer : J.R.A.Nidula Sathsara Treasurer : Ranul Janandith Wickramasinghe  Quater Master : S.M.P.Shashika Sandaruwan  Badge Secretary : Sahiru Nimandith Karunarathne  First – Aid Secretary : Aditha Pankaja Dikkumbura Committee Members : Kushan Achintha YapaS.M.P.Suhara Sujayana…

Centenary Celebrations Western Band Displays

Parallel with the centenary celebrations of Rahula College the western band display was held with the participation of the western bands of Rahula College Matara, Sujatha Vidyalaya Matara, St. Thomas’ College Matara, St Thomas’ Girls High School Matara, St Servatius College Matara, Mahinda Rajapaksha College Matara, President College Matara, and Central College Matara.

100th Anniversary Commemorative Stamp Release

Parallel with the centenary celebrations of Rahula College the commemorative stamp release was held on the 25th of April 2023 under the patronage of the Honorable President Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe at the school premises. State Minister of Mass Media Mr.Shantha Bandara, Postmaster General Mr.Ruwn sathkumara, Deputy Postmaster General (Operation) Mr. Rajitha K. Ranasinghe, Deputy Postmaster…