The College Colours are Blue and Golden Yellow.
Following are the definitions of them.

Name Blue Golden Yellow
Hexadecimal Notation 393185 F39314
RGB Notation R:57 G:49 B:133 R:243 G:147 B:20
HSV Notation H:246 S:63 V:52 H:34 S:92 V:95
CMYK Notation C:100 M:100 Y:0 K:0 C:0 M:50 Y:100 K:0

Apart from the College Colours, the College Crest uses a pink colour for the lotus symbol in it. Following are the definitions of that colour.

Name Pink
Hexadecimal Notation F5B5D2
RGB Notation R:245 G:181 B:210
HSV Notation H:333 S:26 V:96
CMYK Notation C:0 M:40 Y:0 K:0